FITNness > specialized > S7 > U7.1 > part1
Eco-design | Methodologies used in life cycle assessment | Sustainability and Packaging - What is suistainability? (part 1/2) | 21 slides
Linked content | reference documents | video-recorded lecture |
Abstract: Food Packaging needs to be sustainable. What does it mean? How to use Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to evaluate the impact of food packaging and to $eco-design$ new food packaging. - level intermediate
Topics: sustainability environment ecodesign LCA bottles
External content | Food Packaging | Food Contact Materials |
FITNESS | UCP | Fatima Pocas | rev.2020/03/19 21:39
Video-recorded lectures
PROJECT FITNess - funded by the European Union's ERASMUS programme (contract 2017-1-FR01-KA202-037441). Food packaging open courseware for higher education and staff of companies. Partners: Croatia (UZAG-PBF), France (ACTIA, LNE, AGROPARISTECH/INRA, AGROSUP DIJON), Germany (TUM), Portugal (UCP), Spain (CSIC)
- Report issues